Planet View Assisted Living in Evans, CO (formerly Gray Cara West)
At Planet View Assisted Living in Evans, CO, maintaining your loved ones quality of life is our main goal. We hope you will allow us the opportunity to give your family member the peace of mind of knowing that they are being well taken care of 24 hours a day.
Great meals, great company and great living – find all these at Planet View Assisted Living. To learn more about our Evans, CO facility or if you have any assisted living questions, please visit our Contact page.
Planet View, Evans
3705 Carson Ave
Evans, CO 80620
Fax: 970-330-4286

At Planet View Assisted Living we consider it an honor to have your elderly loved one in our home. We look forward to caring for seniors and older adults who are transitioning into elderly life. Every amenity we have in our home and every caregiver we have on staff exist in order to give residents a meaningful and beautiful retirement experience at our Evans facility in Colorado.
Our assisted living home offers help for seniors by going love and beyond what is called for. A caring team of aides and companions will work together to achieve positive outcomes for residents.
Our Services
Our services at Planet View Assisted Living may be tailored for ambulatory, non-ambulatory and medically-fragile seniors. Residential Care services are intentionally made flexible to accommodate the changing needs of those under our care.
Some of the services we offer include but are not limited to:
- 3 Meals and Snacks
- 24/7 Care and Supervision
- ADL (Daily Living Activities) Assistance
- Transportation to Medical Appointments
- Regular Communication to Update Family Members
- Personal Assistance for the Disabled
- Vital Signs and Health Monitoring
- Clothing Care and Laundry
- Qualified Administration Medication Person
- Personal Hygiene Assistance
- Light Housekeeping
- Incontinent Care
- Personalized Activities Program
Other services will be provided such as Home Health, Hospice, Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy can be provided in our home by outside vendors.